A reference to David Crosby in “TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE”


(From Graham Nash’s page)


Chapter 11…


My comments are in italics, Jennifer Shaffer’s replies are in bold. By “class” I’m referring to our pals on the flipside who gather to chat with us on the podcast HACKING THE AFTERLIFE. (martinizone.com or hackingtheafterlife.com )

RICH: Then I went to see that documentary about David Crosby, “Remember My Name.”

JENNIFER: I got that it was more about his drugs.

That’s right, his heroin addiction. So class, what did you guys think of that?

Roger Ebert just showed up. (Jennifer aside) I know you don’t like him.

(Note: Roger gave my film “Limit Up” a “thumbs way down.”)

I have no beef with Roger now, I’m always glad to see him. Thumbs up dude.

He just gave me the chills. He says “It’s going to hit more people because of the addiction — it was hidden, something hidden about it — people didn’t know how bad it was — he (Crosby) played Russian roulette every single time… (he did drugs).

After seeing the film, I sent David a note on social media. In the note, I mentioned Crosby’s



Richard Martini https://linktr.ee/richardmartini

Best selling author (kindle) “Flipside” “Hacking the Afterlife” "Talking To Bill Paxton, "Hacking the Afterlife" on Amazon https://linktr.ee/richardmartini