My thoughts on the ubiquitous 11:11 (revised).

Gabriel before he blows his hornAs I’ve mentioned in “Backstage Pass to the Flipside: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer” — my wife Sherry had a dream where she ran into my old friend Luana Anders.

She asked “How can you be here? You died 20 years ago.”

Luana showed her a spaceship — a TIE fighter that Luana had seen in a toy store hours earlier. If you look at a TIE fighter it looks like a physical interpretation of 11:11.

Two sides with a place in the center to meet
Two identical sides with a place in the center to meet.

Sherry pointed this out to me yesterday. That dream had another detail that I had missed. The TIE fighter. She didn’t know what it was called. But Luana essentially said “I took this to come here.”

I thought Luana was joking “I took a space ship to get here.”

But she was being SPECIFIC.

Then Sherry asked “How can that be?” And Luana replied “Think of 11:11. We meet at the decimals.”



Richard Martini

Best selling author (kindle) “Flipside” “Hacking the Afterlife” "Talking To Bill Paxton, "Hacking the Afterlife" on Amazon