AFTER DEATH documentary opens this weekend….


Saw this film last night. One of those times in your life when you say “Damn, I wish I’d made this film.” Then I realize — I did! It’s on Amazon! HACKING THE AFTERLIFE!

But no really, these guys did a fantastic job.

I pointed out to folks that the statistic “23%” is inaccurate — it’s 1–3% that NDE’s have a “hellish” experience — but that doesn’t take away from breath taking accounts. Plus — Angel is putting it out — which means you can get a FREE TICKET by going to the Angel Com website, as well as “pay it forward” to someone who needs to hear that LIFE GOES ON.

That consciousness is not confined to the brain. That there is data, research and footage the demonstrates it. Kudo’s to producer Jason Pamer and Stephen Gray a first time director who got their epic documentary into 2700 theaters for opening weekend!!!

Which is HISTORIC in film history.

A must see film (and free if need be!)

A now a note about the review from #DavidErlich (IndieWire).

There’s a negative review from David Erlich on IndieWire about #AFTERDEATH I just read and had to laugh at. He complains that the film is filled with religious hokum.

Indeed, the film does highlight folks who “believe they saw God” — had the experience of seeing someone off planet — while supposedly dead. What Erlich missed is the on camera testimony of what people heard from…



Richard Martini
Richard Martini

Written by Richard Martini

Best selling author (kindle) “Flipside” “Hacking the Afterlife” "Talking To Bill Paxton, "Hacking the Afterlife" on Amazon

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