Hacking the Afterlife with Christopher Plummer and Heath Ledger
This is our 8th anniversary of doing our sessions together, and the second anniversary of our podcast. Jennifer and I met 8 years ago, and have been filming our conversations with the flipside weekly.
Portions of the film Hacking the Afterlife has some of our sessions, our books include BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 1, 2 and 3, and TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE.
The most recent book is demonstrating how meditation can allow access to the flipside; divinecouncils.com
In this podcast, we asked our moderator on the flipside Luana Anders who wanted to chat with us, and she introduced Christopher Plummer. An actor’s actor, Christopher left the stage in 2021, his most recent turn was in Knives Out.
I didn’t know much about him prior to the podcast, but used the internet in real time to see that he was survived by his daughter and wife of 50 years. In Christopher’s words, he was “sucked in” to visit our class, where Luana Anders is the moderator. Luana worked in over 300 films and TV shows, and knows many actors the Christopher knows.
My own connection was through the film director Robert Wise. So I asked him some questions about Robert and was surprised to hear the answers. He said that primarily the reason he wanted to come forward today was to remind people that their loved ones are never far away, that it’s always difficult during the holiday season, and he wanted to remind people that they are never far…