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Hacking the Afterlife with Ketamine, Harry Dean, Hawking and the Alpha and Omega
An unusual confirmation of events on the Flipside from Jennifer Shaffer and the term “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (and the rest of the poem that includes “rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief.”)
From Wiki: “Tinker Tailor” is a counting game, nursery rhyme and fortune telling song traditionally played in England, that can be used to count cherry stones, buttons, daisy petals and other items… It is commonly used by children in both Britain and America for “counting out”, e.g. for choosing who shall be “It” in a game of tag.”
The title came to mind and it appears to reference the idea that we are always connected to all of our lifetimes — no matter which role we’ve chosen on the planet this time around. Another conversation with the flipside about process.
But in terms of “Tinker, Tailor” — a counting game, I think what Luana wanted me to mention, or think about — was the idea of “counting the lifetimes we’ve had.” We appear on the planet as all of these characters, they’re all like characters in a play, and depending how long we are in the acting troupe, we might play each one of them. One day we’re Hamlet, the next day Ophelia, another day Iago. In the actor’s troupe, everyone plays everything.
In the above clip, (also at under the heading Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Ketamine, Hawking and Harry Dean”) there’s a brief hello from our pals from “Big Love” Harry Dean…